Missmonster.com is the portfolio website of Melita Curphy. She is originally from Texas but currently lives in Chicago. She attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago ’96-2000 after graduating from the Idyllwild School of Music and the Arts in California. Her sculpture, leather and casting work is self taught..

Felipe Smith is an artist from Argentina. He does character design for Nickelodeon while drawing full comic books for both Marvel and DC at the same time. He is a hurricane like force of comic book art, writing, inking, and coloring.

Mark Molitor is an illustrator from Chicago. He has mad skills.

Phillip Straub is an art director. He bench presses other art directors to "warm up the guns" before painting. He was an art director at EA but he left because he thought they didn't work enough hours.

Mark Covell is an illustrator and storyboard artist. He does the storyboards for Family Guy. Especially the ones that have to do with Def Leppard.

Eric Lynn is a 3D modeler in San Diego. This man has taken the term 'low poly' to an extreme.

Richard Cheek is an animator and technical artist from England. Everybody in England would be speaking German if it wasn't for us.

David Schaeffer is an experienced technical artist, visual effects specialist and imagineer from Hollywood. He does amazing work with art and technology.

Rick Gonzales is an experienced and dedicated Lead Artist that excels both in his own artistic ability and in managing and mentoring others.

I don't know Bobby Roe, but there is one thing I do know, His website is awesome.

Toontown was an MMORPG created at the Disney Virtual Reality studio. It won Online game of the year and it's fan site still has a huge cult following.

So apparently there was another artist that went to school in Chicago and then moved out to Los Angeles a long time ago. His companies website is alright too.

a digital marketplace to buy or sell 3D models. so far I have made $9.

My previous company, Harmonix, the creators of Rock Band. A very cool place that makes very cool games.

Some excellent links and resources from Mozilla, the makers of Firefox, on WebGL. If you are interested in doing 3D for the web this is a great place.

Some excellent links and resources from Mozilla, the makers of Firefox, on WebGL. If you are interested in doing 3D for the web this is a great place.

A motion graphics studio with some pretty cool stuff. Mike Carangelo is one of their most talented artists.

Mr. Doob's javascript api for working with WebGL. This is a fantastic open source project and I would definitely recommend using it or even contributing to it. Thanks Mr. Doob.

wikigallery.org, the largest "Open Community" Fine Art Wiki Project in the world. wikigallery.org receives millions of visitors monthly. The wikigallery.org database of Fine Art images and articles is in the millions and wikigallery.org continues to grow daily. wikigallery.org is a nonprofit organization.